Driscoll Family, RRH Partnering for Special Heart Health Event

February is American Heart Month
February is American Heart Month

Heart health is not something we often think about until we have to.

The Russell Regional Hospital Radiology Department and Jerry and Patty Driscoll and their family want to change that.

On February 13 and 14, the RRH Radiology Department will host Keep the Beat Going: Heart Strong, offering free Coronary Artery Calcium Scans to help identify heart health issues and prevent future damage to your heart.

RRH Director of Radiology Drew Hamel explains.

Audio file

This is the second year for the event. Patty Driscoll says if you have some heart concerns, take the scan.

Audio file

To be eligible for the scan, you must be between 28 and 65 years old and have a CAC Scan order from your provider.

Call the radiology department if you have questions or to schedule an appointment at 785-483-3131.

28 spots are available each day and available on a first come, first service basis.
