Fort Hays State Receives HLC Accreditation Reaffirmation

Fort Hays State University is excited to announce the reaffirmation of its accreditation by the Institutional Actions Council (IAC) of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
The accreditation reaffirmation process, which occurs on a 10-year cycle through the HLC, involved a comprehensive review of Fort Hays State University's academic programs, faculty qualifications, student support services and institutional resources. In addition to reaffirming FHSU's accreditation, the HLC noted that all criteria were fully met, setting the next review cycle for 2033-34.
"Receiving reaffirmation for another decade speaks volumes about the quality of education provided at Fort Hays State University," said Dr. Angela Pool-Funai, Graduate School Dean and Assistant Provost for Academic Programs. "This reaffirmation not only validates our commitment to academic excellence but also serves as a testament to the mission-centered dedication and hard work of our entire university community. As we celebrate this significant achievement, we remain committed to continuous improvement and the overall value of a Fort Hays State University education."
The IAC recognized Fort Hays State University's completion of a significant revision to the core curriculum and its efforts to enhance assessment processes as key factors in its decision. Additionally, the successful implementation of a Quality Initiative project focused on meaningful assessment across campus was recognized as a noteworthy achievement.
"Fort Hays State University offers a high-quality education to students all over the world," said Jill Arensdorf, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs. "This important reaffirmation of our accreditation allows us to keep fulfilling our mission to develop engaged global citizen-leaders. I am so proud of the FHSU students, faculty and staff that contribute every day to our excellence as an institution."
(Information courtesy FHSU University Communications.)