Massage Therapy Offered at RRH Specialty Clinic

Russell Regional Hospital offers massage therapy as a service to the public through the RRH Physical Therapy Department.
Massage therapy can benefit patients and clients in many areas. Recovering from an injury, post-surgery, suffer from arthritis or other discomforts? The massage therapy program at RRH can assist you in both recovering and maintaining a healthy balance.
The program offers relaxation options and deep tissue massage varieties. Sore muscles from overuse during the cold weather, be it from shoveling snow, farm work or oilfield work, can be painful and create additional health issues. Massage therapy is a solution to bring healing to strained or injured bodies.
Sports injuries are also prevalent this time of year, having a massage professional that works specifically with injuries can be vital for an athlete's road to recovery.
Elisa Gonzalez provides the massage therapy services at RRH.
"Massage therapy is a benefit that assists a patient or client in their recovery after an injury, accident or surgery. I have experience and training in working with clients and athletes that have suffered injuries and want to add massage therapy to their recovery goals," Gonzalez shared.
Gonzalez has been licensed since 2010 under a 500-hour program completed in Texas. In addition to her license, Gonzalez was honored to be included in a clinical massage therapy program earning an additional 290 hours and achieving the title of clinical massage therapist.
Trained in performing trigger point release and myofascial release techniques as well as Swedish and deep tissue, sports massage techniques and stretching, Gonzalez has worked with clients on upper crossed syndrome, TMJ, headaches and migraines, piriformis syndrome and sciatica, carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder and chronic pain syndrome.
Gonzalez works closely with athletes to help them perform better in their sport, such as soccer players, football players, cyclists, marathon runners and gymnasts.
If there is a problem you have been experiencing, whether short term or long term, contact Gonzalez and get yourself back on track. Services are performed in 30, 45, 60 and 90-minute increments. The massage therapy unit is located in the Specialty Clinic in the south side of the RRH health campus. No referral needed, just call 785-483-0740 to schedule.
(Information courtesy RRH.)