Russell County Commissioners Approve Election Equipment Upgrades

Russell County Courthouse
Russell County Courthouse

Russell County Commissioners met Monday at the Russell County Courthouse and approved upgrading the county's election equipment.

County Clerk and Elections Officer Kristi Whitman presented a request to purchase Freedom Vote Scan and Freedom Vote Tablet election equipment and Election Management software from Adkins Election Service in the amount of $73,221. It was discussed to only purchase the FVS equipment and wait a year or two to purchase the FVT equipment. Commissioners agreed to purchase the FVS or Freedom Vote Scan equipment and Election Management Software in the amount of $50,471. There will be a trade in allowance for the old equipment.

Whitman also presented to commissioners the DSNWK Agreement levying 0.752 mills bringing in $86,011 in ad valorem tax for calendar year 2025. Commissioners passed the agreement.

Interim Public Works Co-Director Justin Mermis gave an update on the Road and Bridge Department. The annual Township meeting will be March 18 at the Russell Elks with registration from 5 to 5:30 pm. The loader used at the landfill needs a steering valve replaced. They are working with Penco to figure out the best way to fix the washout south of Luray and need to file paperwork for Canyon Road. Mermis brought in two bids to give commissioners an idea of the cost to mill five miles of asphalt road south of Paradise. The bids included CB Trucking for $54,050 and Coughlin Co. for $62,090. Commissioners asked for a cost estimate of how much was spent in the last ten years to maintain the asphalt. Also, the sewer line under the county shop needs to be replaced. Mermis will research options to fix it.

County Health Department Administrator Tracy Axtell told the commission she has been working on grants and associated paperwork. Axtell and County Public Health Officer Jennifer Funk will attend workshops soon. Also, Axtell is looking at selling the lab equipment that is not being used. The cost to operate is too expensive and the manpower needed cannot be justified keeping it.

Following the regular meeting, Commissioners held a work/study session. Many topics were discussed, but no action was taken.