Staffing, Virtual School, Calendar Change and Turf Discussed at Monday's USD 407 BOE Meeting

Russell County USD 407
Russell County USD 407

The Russell County USD 407 Board of Education met Monday evening and approved moving forward with a virtual school option starting next school year.

Superintendent Jordan Perez...

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Last fall, the district held parent teacher conferences for one full day instead of after school over two days. That option was well received by teachers and parents. The board was asked to do the same again this spring and a calendar change was approved to hold parent teacher conferences on March 10.

Discussion continued on fundraising for new turf at Shaffer Field and how to recognize donors. One option discussed was purchasing a new video scoreboard. No action was taken.

Fundraising also continues through the Bronco Foundation to purchase new basketball goals at Amos Morris Gymnasium. Ron Wedel updated the board and said approximately $10,000 has been raised for the project projected to cost around $80,000.

$14,989 was approved to repair the greenhouse at Russell Junior-Senior High School following the May 2024 hailstorm.

Board members also received an update on facility planning. Perez says he and two board members will travel to Topeka next week to discuss a countywide sales tax.

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Also Monday, Dr. Joyce Ellis was re-elected as board president and Brett Mai as vice president.

Following the executive sessions, it was announced contracts were extended for Simpson Elementary School principal Katie Revell, Bickerdyke Elementary School principal Jay Sanders and Russell Junior-Senior High School assistant principal Dr. Andrew Dempewolf. A contract modification was made for Jon Ross, who will be the head baseball coach. And two resignations were accepted - Kim Stoppel, teacher at Simpson Elementary School and Andrew Stueve, athletic and activities director at Russell Junior-Senior High School.