Volunteers Working Towards Feeding the Future and Asking for Your Help

Work is underway in Russell to fund a new meal program this summer to supplement USD 407's current Summer Meal Program.
It's called Feeding the Future, entirely volunteer based, operated outside of USD 407 and the goal is to provide the district's children with meals from May 19 through 30 and July 28 through August 13 when USD 407's summer meal program does not operate and school is out.
USD 407 Board of Education member Raeleen Reinhardt.
Reinhardt says Feeding the Future will operate in much the same way as USD 407's summer meal program.
Russell Junior-Senior High School teacher Lauren Kasselman is part of the group organizing Feeding the Future and says what they really need right now is donations to get this program off the ground.
The goal is to raise $17,000. So far, only $1250 has been donated.
The program will operate completely through donations, which are tax deductible.
Feeding the Future plans to serve approximately 215 children's lunches per day.
If you have any questions or would like to make a donation, call Reinhardt at 785-483-0217.
Find out more details here.