Overview Financial Marquee March 2023

County Treasurers Endorse Steven Johnson for State Treasurer

Steven Johnson
Steven Johnson

Republican county treasurers from across the state are endorsing Steven Johnson for State Treasurer.

They cite his experience in financial services and record balancing budgets as a legislator as key factors in their support.

"Steven Johnson understands the job and has a record that we can trust," said Republican Jim DuBois, Saline County Treasurer. "He balanced budgets, pushed for less borrowing -- less debt, and he brought KPERS back from the brink of bankruptcy."

County treasurers trust Steven Johnson to manage the state's checkbook. With a record of conservative management of the state budget, Johnson is known for crafting balanced budgets and reducing government spending as a member of the House of Representatives since 2011.

"Steven Johnson is a fiscal hawk in the legislature," said Representative Stephen Owens (R-Hesston). "He's the guy I'd put in charge of my money, so I definitely trust him with the keys to the safe."

Johnson is known for rescuing the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System from the brink of bankruptcy, saving taxpayers billions.

"The public employee retirement system is recovering from decades of mismanagement," said Senator Rick Wilborn (R-McPherson). "Steven Johnson is the reason we have gone from 53 percent funded to 74 percent funded in 10 short years. That's an amazing feat."

Johnson served on key financial committees during his tenure in the Kansas House of Representatives, including as chairman of the House Taxation Committee and the House Insurance and Pensions Committee.

Johnson is running for the Republican nomination for State Treasurer. His county treasurer endorsements come from across the state:

LeAnn Bishop (Lincoln)
Yvonne Melton (Mitchell)
Christine Smith (Wallace)
Trisha Strobel (Russell)
Christine Swaim (Clay)
Leah Hern (Dickinson)
Karen Callaway (Wabaunsee)
Brett Derr (Phillips)
Jim DuBois (Saline)
Nancy Weeks (Haskell)
JoDee Copple (Ottawa)
April Hall (Sherman)
Cindy Coons (Republic)
Mary Gatton (Stafford)
Lisa Wright (Pottawatomie)
Mary Gentry (Unified Greeley)

(Information courtesy Steven Johnson for State Treasurer.)