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Nex-Tech 2022 Football Donation Campaign Supports Area High Schools

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Nex-Tech Logo

Nex-Tech, a leader in broadband and technology, is an avid supporter of community, education and athletics, and is giving back to area high schools through a cumulative donation of $5,960 amongst 30 schools.

For the 2022 football season, schools that signed up received $10 for each home game touchdown.

Nex-Tech donated a combined total of $680 to Natoma, Russell and Victoria. Sylvan-Lucas and Wilson did not participate.

The football campaign, which began in 2005, builds on Nex-Tech's commitment to the community by supporting athletic programs in the area. It also supports another of their basic beliefs, which is that having fun is important since high school football is just simply enjoyable for them.

Director of Customer Engagement Dustin Schlaefli said, "Here at Nex-Tech, our passion is to make life better for our friends, neighbors and our customers. Getting more involved in the communities we serve while being able to provide some booster support at the same time means a lot to us as a company. It's significant when a coach comments to us, 'what a fantastic program! Thank you very much for including us. The funds are extremely beneficial to small schools.' To all the local high school coaches, instructors and students, thank you for allowing Nex-Tech to be a part of your football season."

(Information courtesy Nex-Tech.)